Grey Gardens, the movie premiered last night on HBO. It was almost as good as Pgh winning the Super Bowl!
Loved it!
Loved it!
Loved it!
I TIVO'D it on every machine in the house and I know that I'll own it as soon as it's released.
Since Sally Quinn has saved everything that was in the house when she bought it, I have hope for another documentary and perhaps museum.
Today, Grey Gardens belongs to former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee and writer Sally Quinn, who bought it from Little Edie for $220,000 in 1979, after her mother died, and restored it to its former splendor. Quinn recounted the day she bought the home on's Editors' Blog:
"(Little Edie) said 'I know that this house belongs to you. You're the person who should have this house.' And then she did this little pirouette in the hall and said 'You see? All it needs is a coat of paint!' So I bought it on the spot. It was one of these magical experiences where everything went right."
The New York Times has a fabulous series of pictures on the original interior of the house.
The photos are amazing...Little Edie was right - just needed a coat of paint! Hah!